Thursday, April 19, 2018

Losing You

I used to think I couldn't go a day without your smile.
Without telling you things and hearing your voice back.

Then, that day arrived and it was so damn hard
but the next was harder.
And I knew with a sinking feeling
it was going to get worse
and I wasn't going to be okay
for a very long time.

Because losing someone isn't an occasion or an event.
It doesn't just happen once.
It happens over and over again.

I lose you every time I pick up your favorite coffee mug;
whenever that one song plays on the radio,
or when I discover you old t-shirt
at the bottom of my laundry pile.

I lose you every time I think of kissing you,
holding you or wanting you.
I got to bed at night and lose you,
when I wish I could tell you about my day.
And in the morning, when I wake up
and the reach the empty space across the sheets,
I begin to lose you all over again.

Friday, April 13, 2018

If I Let You In

If I let you in, please don't break anything.

In A Relationship

You're in a relationship
to be happy,
to smile,
to laugh,
and to make good memories.

Not to be constantly upset,
to feel hurt,
and to cry.

It's Just Too Late

It's just too late...

She doesn't need you anymore and she no longer misses you.
And it's all because you never made her your priority.

You took for granted that she would always be there,
waiting for you to serve her the scraps of your time.

It's funny,
because as she waited for you to realize what you had,
she finally realized she didn't need what you were offering.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

It Hit Me

As I was fighting for you,
it hit me...

that I was fighting to be lied to;
fighting to be taken for granted;
fighting to be disappointed;
fighting to be hurt again...

So I started fighting to let go.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

No reason

Without communication,
there is no relationship.
Without respect,
there is no love.
Without trust,
there is no reason
to continue.